What Is Moonstone? Gemstone Properties and More



Moonstone has a fascinating history and properties. It is a type of feldspar, like labradorite and sunstone. Moonstone’s adularescence, a shimmering effect like the moon’s glow, is famous. Moonstone gets its name from its ethereal light play and is popular in jewelry and spiritual practices.

Origins and Sources

Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), India, Myanmar (Burma), Madagascar, and Australia are famous moonstone sources. Moonstones vary by region, adding to their allure.

Colors and Variety:

Moonstone is white, gray, peach, brown, and rainbow-colored. Moonstones with blue adularescence are prized. Moonstone’s chatoyancy can create a bright, narrow band of light when moved.

Characteristics and Properties of Moonstone:

Moonstone is an orthoclase and albite feldspar, which affects its optical properties. Light scattering between the gemstone’s feldspar layers causes adularescence, or sheen. These layers interact with light entering the moonstone, creating the enchanting effect.

Moonstone is 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, making it durable for jewelry, but it still needs care and protection. Moonstone is affordable, making it accessible to many jewelry enthusiasts.

Metaphysical Healing:

Moonstone has long been revered for its metaphysical and healing powers. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed moonstone was solidified moonbeams.

1. Moonstone enhances intuition and emotional balance. It’s thought to help people understand their emotions during difficult times.

2. Moonstone symbolizes the divine feminine and feminine energy. It balances hormones and regulates menstruation, promoting women’s health.

3. New Beginnings: Moonstone is a talisman for travelers, especially spiritual or emotional ones.

4. Moonstone is said to promote restful sleep and vivid dreams. Moonstones under the pillow are believed to improve sleep and dream recall.

5. Moonstone is popular with meditators and spiritual seekers. Its calming energy is thought to enhance spirituality and self-awareness.

6. Protection: Travelers and spiritual practitioners use moonstone as a talisman. It is believed to protect against negative energies and provide security.

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Moonstone Uses:

Moonstone has aesthetic and metaphysical uses.

1. Moonstone rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets are popular. Moonstone’s adularescence can be beautifully displayed in jewelry, dazzling with every movement.

2. Meditation: Hold moonstone or place it nearby during meditation. Its soothing energy enhances meditation and promotes inner peace.

3. Home Decor: Moonstone can be displayed as polished stones, tumbled stones, or carved figurines. Moonstone is believed to calm and harmonize living spaces.

4. Sleep Aid: Place a moonstone under your pillow to improve sleep and dreams. Its calm energy may help you sleep.

Moonstone cleansing:

Moonstone, like all gemstones, needs cleansing and charging to maintain its metaphysical properties. Moonstone cleansing methods include:

1. Running Water: Hold the moonstone under running water, like a stream or faucet, for a few minutes and visualize negative energies being washed away.

2. Moonlight: Cleanse and recharge the moonstone overnight with full moonlight. Moonstone, with its lunar associations, is thought to benefit from the moon’s energy.

3. Saltwater: Submerge moonstone in sea salt-infused water. After soaking, rinse the moonstone.

4. Cleaning Crystals: Place moonstone on a large selenite charging plate or cluster of clear quartz to cleanse and recharge it.

Watch out:

1. Moonstone is durable, but it needs care to stay beautiful. jewelry care:

Moonstone is sensitive to acids and harsh chemicals. Avoid hairspray, perfume, and cleaning products.

2. Gently Clean: Use a soft, damp cloth or jewelry brush to clean moonstone jewelry. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners can damage stone.

3. Storage: Keep moonstone jewelry away from other gemstones and metals to avoid scratches. Use a soft pouch or compartmented jewelry box.


Moonstone sparkles like the moon. Its metaphysical properties and calming energy have made it popular in many cultures for centuries. Moonstone’s otherworldly beauty captivates and inspires. Care for your moonstone to preserve its magical properties for generations.


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