What makes Ekanite a very unusual gemstone?

Ekanite gemstone

Ekanite gemstone

Ekanite is a highly unusual gemstone that is primarily known for its incredible luminescence and rarity. Named after the village of Ekan in Tanzania, where it was first discovered in the 1950s, Ekanite has become one of the most sought-after gemstones for collectors and enthusiasts. In this essay, we will explore what makes Ekanite so unique and special.

Chemical Composition and Crystal Structure

Ekanite is a rare silicate mineral that belongs to the garnet group of minerals. Its chemical formula is Ca2ThSi8O20, which means it contains calcium, thorium, silicon, and oxygen. Thorium is a radioactive element, and this makes Ekanite a highly unusual gemstone. It is the only gemstone that contains significant amounts of thorium, making it potentially hazardous to handle.

Ekanite has a complex crystal structure, and it is made up of long and thin prismatic crystals. Its crystal system is tetragonal, which means it has four-fold symmetry. The crystals are often translucent or transparent and have a glassy lustre. The colour of Ekanite can vary from colorless to yellow, brown, green, or even black.


Ekanite is known for its incredible luminescence, and it is one of the most luminescent minerals known to exist. When exposed to ultraviolet light, it emits a bright and intense greenish-yellow fluorescence. This property makes it highly sought after by gemstone collectors and enthusiasts.

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The luminescence of Ekanite is due to the presence of trace amounts of uranium and rare earth elements such as cerium and terbium. When these elements are exposed to ultraviolet light, they emit energy in the form of light, causing Ekanite to glow. The intensity of the fluorescence can vary depending on the concentration of these elements.


As mentioned earlier, Ekanite is the only gemstone that contains significant amounts of thorium. Thorium is a naturally occurring radioactive element that decays over time and emits alpha particles, which can be hazardous to human health. This makes Ekanite potentially hazardous to handle, and it is important to take appropriate precautions when handling it.

However, the radioactivity of Ekanite is generally considered to be low, and the gemstone is safe to handle as long as appropriate safety measures are taken. It is recommended that Ekanite be stored in a secure location and handled with gloves and other protective gear.

Rarity and Value

Ekanite is an extremely rare gemstone, and it is only found in a few locations around the world. The original discovery of Ekanite was in Tanzania in the 1950s, and it has since been found in small quantities in Madagascar, Canada, and the United States. Because of its rarity, Ekanite is highly valued by gemstone collectors and enthusiasts.

The value of Ekanite can vary depending on its size, color, clarity, and luminescence. Larger and more intensely colored and luminescent specimens are more valuable than smaller and less impressive stones. The rarity and unique properties of Ekanite make it an attractive investment for collectors and investors.


Ekanite is primarily used as a gemstone and is highly prized for its beauty and rarity. Its intense luminescence makes it a popular choice for collectors and enthusiasts, and it is often used in jewelry and other decorative items.

Because of its radioactivity, Ekanite has also been used in scientific and industrial applications. It has been used as a source of alpha particles for nuclear research and as a thermoluminescent dosimeter for measuring radiation exposure. 


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